A fire department could be any public or private organization that provides firefighting services. People who work to prevent or extinguish fires are known as firefighters. They are the ones who help people and save their lives.
This reason is enough to reward them by recognizing their services. In this blog, we will discuss the types of medals for fighters.

Medal of Honor
Medal of honor is for those firefighters who provide services for a long time faithfully. This award is for them to acknowledge their services.
Medal of Valor
This award is for those firefighters who work beyond their job duties by taking personal risks. They become successful in saving other people’s lives or die while performing their duties.
Final alarm
The family of the deceased firefighters receive this award. This award indicates the appreciation of their services for the fire department during their life.
Medal of courage
Firefighters who show bravery and valor and save people’s lives courageously receive this award. It is an honor for them to be the recipient of this prestigious award.
Medal of gallantry
Firefighters who put their life at risk to save others’ lives tend to qualify for this award. This is indeed a great job to save people from the harm of death.
Distinguished service
As the title indicates, this medal is for the firefighters who don’t shy to show acts of bravery at all. They expose themselves to danger and rescue them.
Firefighter of the Year
A firefighter who shows outstanding performance throughout the year tends to receive this award. Undoubtedly, they deserve this award for showing acts of valor.
Fire Officer of the Year
A fire officer who keeps up his performance during the year tends to qualify for this award. He remains unhesitant in fulfilling his duties impeccably.
Fire Chief of the Year
A fire chief who successfully accomplishes his duties gets this award. He becomes the recipient of this medal by administering the teams and all the said tasks appropriately.
MAX Challenge Coins At Your Service
Now, the point is from where to get these medals? Go nowhere but MAX Challenge Coins to have such medallions. You can acquire custom medallions from this reliable company. Discuss the content ideas with them you want on the coin. Have the medals in the shape and size of your choice. You will be highly satisfied with their manufacturing capabilities.